
In a recent op-ed for Daily Sabah, Nick de Bois, a former British Member of Parliament, discusses the longstanding division of Cyprus and proposes a pragmatic approach to resolve the issue.

De Bois reflects on his personal connection to the island, noting that his elder brother was born in Lefkoşa (Nicosia) in 1956 while his father served in the Royal Air Force (RAF). He recalls the horrors inflicted on British servicemen by EOKA, a Greek Cypriot right-wing nationalist guerrilla organization that began an armed campaign during that period.

The author highlights the upcoming dialogues set to resume in Switzerland, aiming to address the island’s most challenging issues. He points out that while the United Nations and international actors have long championed a federal solution, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), with Türkiye’s support, advocates for a two-state framework.

De Bois suggests that exploring this fresh perspective could offer a sustainable path forward, emphasizing the importance of considering new ideas for the benefit of future generations unfamiliar with the events of 1974.
