Tag: Articles

LISTEN: President Tatar speaks to the BBC on the eve of the 50th anniversary of Türkiye’s Peace Operation

President Tatar speaks to the BBC World Service’s ‘Newsday’ programme about how the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus plans on commemorating Türkiye’s peace operation in 1974 that prevented a genocide of the Turkish Cypriot People. He explains why Türkiye was acting legally in its role as a Guarantor Power to protect both Greek and Turkish Cypriots, and why its role on the island remains critical, alongside the UK’s.

“The longer the division of Cyprus continues, the more concrete it gets”

Cyprus has been divided for 50 years. Whilst not recognised, the separation of Northern Cyprus and South Cyprus effectively is the status quo and presents a vision for how a two state solution might work practically.

With confidence-building measures building, such as the proliferation of border crossings, a two state solution in this instance is a far easier task than in Israel and Palestine. It could even be a blueprint for success.

Our new Labour government can unlock Europe’s last frozen conflict

Prime Minister Keir Starmer has the chance to do something radical with his foreign policy. He can finally end Europe’s last frozen conflict and recognise a country that is pivotal to regional stability and home to thousands of Brits.

The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) is critical to the UK’s security. Without recognising it, Britain is giving up our crucial position in the region to Russia and Iran. Keir Starmer and David Lammy can stop this.


Calls from Westminster for direct flights to the TRNC reach the loudest in years

54 British parliamentarians support commencing direct flights to Northern Cyprus in the largest show of support for the proposal in years. The initiative, arranged and co-ordinated by the ‘Freedom and Fairness for Northern Cyprus’ campaign, succeeded in bringing politicians from both the Conservative and Labour parties together to call on the Foreign Secretary, Lord Cameron, to support the measure.

Unprecedented step as over 50 British parliamentarians call for direct flights to the TRNC from the UK

More than 50 British parliamentarians have joined with the ‘Freedom and Fairness for Northern Cyprus’ campaign to launch a groundbreaking effort calling on the UK Government to allow direct flights to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) from Britain.

In an open letter to the Foreign Secretary, Lord Cameron, they call for Britain “to ensure that all Cypriots, regardless of their ethnicity, have equality in the fulfillment of their potential and the right to live their lives free from arbitrary discrimination.”

They say that “the UK Government has not fulfilled its commitments to the Turkish Cypriot People and has been unwilling to discuss any tempering of measures [to make travel to the TRNC easier].”

The letter, signed by a former Foreign Secretary, a former First Minister of Northern Ireland, a former Conservative Party Leader, alongside a broad coalition of Labour, Green, Liberal Democrat, DUP, UUP, and Conservative politicians, rallies for direct flights “in the interests of fairness and national security… to send a clear message that [the UK Government] upholds the commitments it has made to the Turkish Cypriot People.”

Lord Balfe – ‘We can at least end the ostracization and isolation of the TRNC.’

After 50 years of failed negotiations in Cyprus, Lord Balfe calls on the United Kingdom to put things right.

There are several steps the British government could take to end the isolation of Turkish Cypriots which could in turn end the impasse on the island.


Former celebrity hotspot in Cyprus blossoms after being closed off for 50 years

The ghost town of Maraş was reopened in 2020 by TRNC President Tatar. Known for its past as an A-list celebrity hotspot, the town is now being eyed as the Dubai of the eastern Mediterranean. 

After decades of abandonment, the TRNC has bold and ambitious plans to bring the seaside town back to its former glory. Over a million tourists have already visited the town – proving its incredible potential.

Two States in Cyprus can prevent the island from becoming the new Gaza

Both Sides in Cyprus must remain level-headed and respectful of one another to prevent a costly mistake that could turn the island into the new Gaza. Speaking to The Telegraph’s Nick Squires, who was visiting the TRNC,  President Ersin Tatar outlined why he believes efforts to reunify the island are a ‘waste of time’, and explained how recognition from more countries can and will come slowly but surely.

The British Residents’ Society also gave their opinions on the continued stalemate in negotiations on the future of the island, with one commenting “you can’t keep flogging a dead horse.”

Maraş is booming with tourism. It now has the potential to become the next Dubai

When Maraş was reopened by President Tatar in 2021, it was brimming with potential. In just three years, the town has seen an exponential tourism boom – attracting over half a million visitors in just two years. The town has the potential to become the new Dubai of the eastern Mediterranean that benefits the economies of both the North and South of the island.

Baroness Mobarik – ‘Britain has no reason to continue ignoring the TRNC.’

Baroness Mobarik visited the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus in February 2024. During her time there she saw the wealth of tourism and business opportunities the country offers the UK. She heard plans for Maraş to be restored as a world-leading tourist destination, and listened to the entrepreneurial spirit of Turkish Cypriot small business owners and the Chamber of Commerce (KTTO).

She says that the UK should seize the opportunities that the TRNC offers and recognise the two State solution on Cyprus to preserve peace and economically benefit both North and South.