Tag: Culture

The Labour Party cannot ignore Turkish Cypriots when addressing Islamophobia

The Freedom and Fairness campaign, alongside representatives from the UK Turkish Cypriot community signed and issued a letter to Labour leader, Sir Keir Starmer, calling on him to address the hypocrisy in how Islamophobia is addressed within the party.

As we mark Islamophobia Awareness Month, the letter urges Starmer to reflect on whether the UK would isolate a European Christian country in the same way Britain has the Turkish Cypriots in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

The isolation of the Turkish Cypriot people isn’t just a political motivation, but a religious one too

The UN has approved the second International Day to Combat Islamophobia, recognising that Muslims worldwide face persecution and atrocities such as the Rohingya and Uyghur genocides. While 94% of the UK’s over three million Muslims are able to practice their religion freely, anti-Muslim prejudice still exists, and the UK Government has promised to define Islamophobia. Paul Bristow,  Member of Parliament for Peterborough (a city with a significant Muslim community), has seen how Islamophobia can be subtle but real during his February (2023) visit to the Turkish Republic of North Cyprus. The Turkish Cypriot Muslim population faces international isolation due to the unresolved “Cyprus issue,” which needs to be resolved for the benefit of the UK and the Western Alliance by creating trade opportunities and strengthening relations with Turkey. Prejudice against Muslims can take many forms, including isolation.