Tag: Palestine

The Labour Party cannot ignore Turkish Cypriots when addressing Islamophobia

The Freedom and Fairness campaign, alongside representatives from the UK Turkish Cypriot community signed and issued a letter to Labour leader, Sir Keir Starmer, calling on him to address the hypocrisy in how Islamophobia is addressed within the party.

As we mark Islamophobia Awareness Month, the letter urges Starmer to reflect on whether the UK would isolate a European Christian country in the same way Britain has the Turkish Cypriots in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

A future Labour Government could exercise its leadership by recognising the TRNC

With the appointment of Lord David Cameron as Foreign Secretary, it is clear the Conservative Government is serious about burnishing its international credentials. At a time when Britain’s role in the world is more important than ever, and with the prospect of a Labour Government assuming office within a matter of months, how can the UK use its influence to resolve the frozen conflicts that remain?

Cyprus should be one of Keir Starmer’s foreign policy priorities. After nearly 50 years since the 1974 Turkish Peace Operation, Labour should endorse a two-State solution in Cyprus to create a lasting peace in the already fragile region.

WATCH: President Tatar gives an exclusive interview to TalkTV on his two State vision for Cyprus

President Tatar speaks to TalkTV’s Peter Cardwell on his plans for a two State settlement for Cyprus, and touches on the ongoing Israel-Gaza conflict and the implications it may have for the island.


A two State solution, proven in Cyprus, needed for Israel-Palestine

President Tatar recently spoke to the Express amid the ongoing conflict in Gaza. The President highlighted that whilst the world does not recognise the two State solution in Cyprus, it is a model that is an undoubtable reality and it is a model for relative peace. President Tatar therefore argues that it should be implemented to other irreconcilable conflicts, like with Israel-Palestine.

President Tatar also reflects on his childhood and how he witnessed the atrocities faced by the Turkish Cypriot people. Similar to the Palestinians in Gaza, Turkish Cypriots were under siege between 1963 to 1974, deprived of food, water and electricity. 

The only way to ensure peace between Israel-Palestine is via a two State solution. It established peace on the island of Cyprus and it can help establish peace in this area of the Middle East.