Tag: President Tatar

UK Minister calls for ‘openness and compromise’ as the TRNC celebrates 50 years of peace

David Maddox, the Independent

The UK Foreign Office has responded to former Labour Foreign Secretary Jack Straw’s call for a two state solution in Cyprus by calling for ‘openness and compromise’ in resolving the Cyprus issue.

We agree – that’s why after over a dozen attempts, the UK Government should stop attempting the tried and failed ‘bizonal, bicommunal federation’ model, and finally be bold in pushing for a solution through thinking outside of the same narrow parameters that have only served to further compound Turkish Cypriots on the island of Cyprus and across the world.

Ex-Labour Foreign Secretary calls for a two state solution and an end to the TRNC’s isolation

Former Labour Foreign Secretary writes about the current ‘absurdity’ in the approach of the Greek Cypriot leadership to the Cyprus Issue. He calls for compromise to secure a long-term, sustainable future for the TRNC and Southern Cyprus. He explains his regrets over Cyprus’ accession into the European Union in 2004, and argues that the UK needs to use its unique influence in the region to ensure that this 50 year frozen conflict is resolved for the benefit of both states on the island.

LISTEN: President Tatar speaks to the BBC on the eve of the 50th anniversary of Türkiye’s Peace Operation

President Tatar speaks to the BBC World Service’s ‘Newsday’ programme about how the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus plans on commemorating Türkiye’s peace operation in 1974 that prevented a genocide of the Turkish Cypriot People. He explains why Türkiye was acting legally in its role as a Guarantor Power to protect both Greek and Turkish Cypriots, and why its role on the island remains critical, alongside the UK’s.

Northern Cyprus celebrates 50th anniversary of peace

The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) will mark the 50th anniversary of the Cyprus Peace Operation with a weekend of celebrations.

Over the course of the weekend, Turkish Cypriots will hold several events to celebrate the arrival of Turkish peacekeepers on Cyprus in 1974. Their arrival ended Greek Cypriot attempts to cleanse the island of Turkish Cypriots and to enforce an illegal Enosis with Greece.

There will be three main events marking the anniversary of this vital peacekeeping operation.
On the evening of Friday 19th July, Turkish Cypriots will gather for a torch lit rally on the beach at Girne, where Turkish forces first landed, to demonstrate their respect and gratitude for the surviving veterans who saved them from genocide.

Saturday morning, 20th July, will see the start of the main celebrations with a military parade through Lefkosa, the capital of the TRNC, followed by speeches from the President of the TRNC – Ersin Tatar, and the Turkish President – Recep Tayyip Erdogan, reaffirming Turkey’s commitment to the people of Northern Cyprus and commemorating those who died to prevent genocide.

In the afternoon, there will be a spectacular air display over Girne Harbour by the Turkish Stars and Solo Turk. The day will end with an invite-only reception at the Presidential Palace.

Former celebrity hotspot in Cyprus blossoms after being closed off for 50 years

The ghost town of Maraş was reopened in 2020 by TRNC President Tatar. Known for its past as an A-list celebrity hotspot, the town is now being eyed as the Dubai of the eastern Mediterranean. 

After decades of abandonment, the TRNC has bold and ambitious plans to bring the seaside town back to its former glory. Over a million tourists have already visited the town – proving its incredible potential.

Two States in Cyprus can prevent the island from becoming the new Gaza

Both Sides in Cyprus must remain level-headed and respectful of one another to prevent a costly mistake that could turn the island into the new Gaza. Speaking to The Telegraph’s Nick Squires, who was visiting the TRNC,  President Ersin Tatar outlined why he believes efforts to reunify the island are a ‘waste of time’, and explained how recognition from more countries can and will come slowly but surely.

The British Residents’ Society also gave their opinions on the continued stalemate in negotiations on the future of the island, with one commenting “you can’t keep flogging a dead horse.”

European ‘ghost town’ to transform into the next Vegas

Radical plans are underway to transform a deserted ‘ghost town’ into a European hotspot for gambling,  shopping, fine dining and entertainment, to compete with Las Vegas or Macao. 

A consortium of prominent businesspeople have approached authorities in the Turkish Republic of  Northern Cyprus (TRNC) with a grand proposal to create a major new resort city. 

Billionaire businesspeople from across the globe as well as some of the world’s most successful hoteliers  have identified the beachfront town of Maraş, a suburb of Famagusta, as the best location for this new  billion pound project. 

During the early 1970s, Maraş was the top tourist destination in Cyprus and one of the most popular tourist  destinations in the world and attracted the glitz and glamour of Hollywood celebrities such as Brigitte  Bardot and Sophia Loren. However, following the Cypriot civil war and the Turkish intervention it has lain  empty and is now a ghost town. Buildings have deteriorated over time, metal has corroded and plants and 

trees grow through the roads and pavements. 

Maraş is host to one of the most beautiful beaches in Europe and sea turtles have been known to nest  there. 

Under the new proposals, Maraş would be restored to its place as one of the world’s top holiday  destinations. Dozens of casinos, luxury hotels and resorts, shops and fine dining restaurants are planned.

Dr Muhammet Yasarata, Chairman and CEO of the Paradise and Premier Group of Companies, a leading  luxury tour operator in North Cyprus, Turkey and Malta said: 

“For too long America has held Las Vegas as a shining example of what can be achieved through strategic  investment. It is about time Europe had a contender to attract tourists from all corners of the globe. 

“What better place to establish a rival, than in a historically significant tourist destination that has  languished unused and neglected for far too long. 

“This year Maraş will have stood deserted for half a century, which is far too long.  

“Now is the opportune moment to unleash our creativity and explore ways in which Maraş can flourish and  offer experiences to people across the world.” 

Chet Ramadan, Co-Chairman of the Freedom and Fairness for Northern Cyprus campaign said: 

“North Cyprus and the rest of the island will benefit enormously from this development. It will show the  world that North Cyprus is open for business. 

The University of Oxford welcomes the Turkish Cypriot President to mark its 40th anniversary as a nation

The President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) visited The University of Oxford, to mark the 40th anniversary of the foundation of the state, and set out his plans for a new co-operation agreement with Greek Cyprus.

At an event, last week (Monday 20th November) at St John’s College, the University of Oxford, President Ersin Tatar set out a new all-encompassing initiative for cooperation dialogue between TRNC and Greek Cyprus to secure peaceful coexistence on the island and create an environment of interdependence.

President Tatar was joined at the event by Ambassador Osman Koray Ertaş (Turkish Ambassador to the UK), Ambassador Çimen Keskin (Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Representative to the UK), TRNC community representatives, and students of the University of Oxford.

President Tatar called for the North and South to cooperate on a wide range of issues, including hydrocarbon resources off the coast of Cyprus; electrical interconnectivity with the European Union’s grid via the Republic of Türkiye; effective use of solar energy as a means of transitioning to green energy; managing the Island’s freshwater resources; demining; and curbing of irregular migration.

The President reiterated his commitment to a two-state solution to the Cyprus issue based on sovereign equality and equal international status of the two sides.

Commenting on the visit, Chet Ramadan, Co-Chairman of the Freedom and Fairness for Northern Cyprus campaign said:

It was an excellent initiative of the University of Oxford to host this event to mark the 40th anniversary of the TRNC, which means so much to the 300,000 Turkish Cypriots living in the UK.

The President set out his proposal for how the north and south can co-operate and co-exist peacefully which is absolutely essential given the volatility of the region.

A future Labour Government could exercise its leadership by recognising the TRNC

With the appointment of Lord David Cameron as Foreign Secretary, it is clear the Conservative Government is serious about burnishing its international credentials. At a time when Britain’s role in the world is more important than ever, and with the prospect of a Labour Government assuming office within a matter of months, how can the UK use its influence to resolve the frozen conflicts that remain?

Cyprus should be one of Keir Starmer’s foreign policy priorities. After nearly 50 years since the 1974 Turkish Peace Operation, Labour should endorse a two-State solution in Cyprus to create a lasting peace in the already fragile region.

WATCH: President Tatar gives an exclusive interview to TalkTV on his two State vision for Cyprus

President Tatar speaks to TalkTV’s Peter Cardwell on his plans for a two State settlement for Cyprus, and touches on the ongoing Israel-Gaza conflict and the implications it may have for the island.