Tag: Türkiye

Turkish Cypriot isolation must end to return normality to the eastern Mediterranean

There has been over half a century of failed talks revolving around the Cyprus issue with the most notable examples – Annan Plan (2004) and Crans Montana negotiations (2017) – being rejected by the Greek Cypriot side. Calls for new ideas to solve this dispute have increased ever since.

However, Turkish Cypriots have remained international isolated since 1963, following a Greek Cypriot coup of the partnership Republic of Cyprus. As a way to reduce tensions in the region, ending the isolation of Northern Cyprus may be a start, especially with the introduction of direct flights.

Turkish and Greek Cypriots continue to collaborate in finding their missing dead

The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus continues to push for recognition and each day its calls grow stronger with more hearing it. Whilst it strengthens its case for recognition, it engages in cross-community confidence-building measures to ensure that Greek and Turkish Cypriots find closure, and are reunited with their missing relatives following the Greek Cypriot and Greek-led coup in 1974.

All attempts to reunify Cyprus have failed, largely owing to political maneuvering by the South, however the Turkish Cypriot side has been attempting to foster collaboration in other ways – reuniting the dead with their families has been the most effective.

Five decades of division – now a two state solution is the only path for Cyprus

Both Turkish and Greek Cypriots suffered from 1963. The bloody push to illegally join Cyprus with Greece (‘Enosis’) saw Greek Cypriots murdered by their own neighbours and government, and an attempted extermination of the Turkish Cypriots. 50 years on, a two state solution can formalise a peace to this frozen conflict.

Helena Smith writes for the Guardian about how both Sides suffered because of the ruthless pursuit of Enosis by EOKA-B and their Greek sponsors. There would be no Turkish Cypriots living in Cyprus had Türkiye not acted to prevent their genocide in 1974.

50 years since Türkiye ended Greek and EOKA-B plans for a Turkish Cypriot genocide

There would be no Turkish Cypriots living in Cyprus had Türkiye not acted to prevent their genocide at the hands of Greek Cypriot ethno-nationalist paramilitary terrorists in 1974. Many Greek Cypriot groups conveniently forget to mention this when recalling the history of Cyprus, instead opting to lazily whitewash history in favour of their tired agenda of reunification.

Michael Drummond from Sky News explains the history of the island of Cyprus, and delves into some of the subsequent efforts to marginalise Turkish Cypriots – notably through export of hellim.

UK Minister calls for ‘openness and compromise’ as the TRNC celebrates 50 years of peace

The UK Foreign Office has responded to former Labour Foreign Secretary Jack Straw’s call for a two state solution in Cyprus by calling for ‘openness and compromise’ in resolving the Cyprus issue.

We agree – that’s why after over a dozen attempts, the UK Government should stop attempting the tried and failed ‘bizonal, bicommunal federation’ model, and finally be bold in pushing for a solution through thinking outside of the same narrow parameters that have only served to further compound Turkish Cypriots on the island of Cyprus and across the world.

Ex-Labour Foreign Secretary calls for a two state solution and an end to the TRNC’s isolation

Former Labour Foreign Secretary writes about the current ‘absurdity’ in the approach of the Greek Cypriot leadership to the Cyprus Issue. He calls for compromise to secure a long-term, sustainable future for the TRNC and Southern Cyprus. He explains his regrets over Cyprus’ accession into the European Union in 2004, and argues that the UK needs to use its unique influence in the region to ensure that this 50 year frozen conflict is resolved for the benefit of both states on the island.

Türkiye is now a geopolitical kingmaker the West can no longer overlook

Turkey stands as a pivotal bridge between the West and East, projecting its influence globally across Europe, the Mediterranean, the Middle East, the Caucasus, and North Africa. Turkey’s stance on global matters, including the prolonged Syrian humanitarian crisis and issues in the Sahel and North Africa, must be acknowledged owing to the repercussions each has for Europe.

The Cyprus issue is no different, with President Erdoğan calling upon the international community to acknowledge the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus as an independent state and a two-State solution akin to the UN and EU’s backing of Israel and Palestine. Additionally, the reintegration of Nagorno-Karabakh into Azerbaijan is regarded as a step towards heightened stability in the Caucasus. Furthermore, the international recognition of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is deemed conducive to fostering a peaceful settlement in the eastern Mediterranean.

Former UK Foreign Secretary voices support for a new solution on Cyprus

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Jack Straw served as Foreign Secretary under Labour Prime Minister Tony Blair from 2001 to 2006. He witnessed first-hand the double-standards of the Greek Cypriot Administration, and speaks the truth about why Türkiye had to intervene on the island in 1974.

He offers his own account and insights from the period when the so-called ‘Republic of Cyprus’ was negotiating to join the European Union and claims that the process ought to have been paused until a solution on the island was reached.

Now he calls on the UK to step up and act in the interests of all Cypriots on the island to help end 50 years of failed negotiations for a federal settlement.


British weakness is not just affecting Northern Cyprus but also the South

British foreign policy has, for too long, been passive and seemingly uninterested on all matters relating to Northern Cyprus. Whilst successive UK governments regurgitate the same calls for a ‘bizonal, bicommunal federation’, the region falls further into an uncertain spiral – creating a void other countries are happy to fill.

The UK runs the risk of Russia expanding its eastern Mediterranean influence unless it acts decisively. Russia’s recent ‘partial recognition’ of the TRNC, alongside an increasing presence of Iranian nationals may pose critical threats to the future of the UK’s strategic foothold in the region.


Out of touch High Commissioner calls 1974 Turkish intervention a “land grab”

Speaking to the estimated 10,000 British nationals living in the TRNC, the British High Commissioner to ‘Cyprus’ Irfan Siddiq referred to the second phase of Türkiye’s intervention on the island as a “land grab”.

Suggesting that the 1960 Constitution no longer could be applied to Turkish Cypriots, Siddiq, showcased his staggering ignorance of history and reality by likening the TRNC to that of Russia’s annexations in Ukraine.