Tag: Two-State

Global Britain – a ‘guarantor power’ capable of breaking the Cyprus deadlock

President Ersin Tatar, CAPX

Writing whilst on his official trip to London in March 2022, President Tatar sets out his argument for British parliamentarians and political stakeholders to support the inherent sovereign equality and equal international status of the Turkish Cypriot People. He argues that the Turkish Cypriot People are entitled to equal rights and opportunities as Greek Cypriots and that their inherent rights, including individual and collective human rights, have been violated for decades.

Despite pledges to end the isolation of the TRNC, the international community has not honoured their commitments, and the Greek Cypriot side has entrenched the status quo in their favour. The President advocates for a two State solution and calls for the UK and the international community to honour their promises to end the embargo on the Turkish Cypriot people, which will contribute to the security, stability, and cooperation in the region.

President Tatar is visiting the UK

President Tatar is visiting London to meet British politicians to discuss the need to reaffirm the sovereign equality and equal international status of the Turkish Cypriot People so that new and formal negotiations for the settlement of the Cyprus issue can start.

He will explain how federalism based negotiations have been exhausted, and have been rejected at least 15 times by the Greek Cypriot Side for more than half-a-century.

The President will be calling on post-Brexit Britain to play a lead role in resolving this conflict.

The island of Ireland offers a pathway to follow to solve the ‘Cyprus issue’

The Good Friday Agreement turns 25 years old this year. Lord Rogan writes that Prime Minister Sunak should follow in the footsteps of Blair, Trimble, and those leaders who put aside their political differences to find a solution on the island of Ireland. The Cyprus issue could be looked at in a similar way – both are islands with two Peoples and two nations.

Lord Rogan, Deputy Speaker of the House of Lords writes that the TRNC has a right to exist, praising President Ersin Tatar for his forward-thinking ambition – a two State solution. Brexit offers the United Kingdom a chance to break the deadlock on Cyprus.

The isolation of the Turkish Cypriot people isn’t just a political motivation, but a religious one too

The UN has approved the second International Day to Combat Islamophobia, recognising that Muslims worldwide face persecution and atrocities such as the Rohingya and Uyghur genocides. While 94% of the UK’s over three million Muslims are able to practice their religion freely, anti-Muslim prejudice still exists, and the UK Government has promised to define Islamophobia. Paul Bristow,  Member of Parliament for Peterborough (a city with a significant Muslim community), has seen how Islamophobia can be subtle but real during his February (2023) visit to the Turkish Republic of North Cyprus. The Turkish Cypriot Muslim population faces international isolation due to the unresolved “Cyprus issue,” which needs to be resolved for the benefit of the UK and the Western Alliance by creating trade opportunities and strengthening relations with Turkey. Prejudice against Muslims can take many forms, including isolation.

Former Turkish Ambassador to the UK urges Global Britain to use its unique role to end the Cyprus issue

During his time as the Turkish Ambassador in London, Ümit Yalçın has witnessed significant events such as Brexit, Covid-19, and the earthquakes in Türkiye. He expresses gratitude for the UK’s solidarity and support during the earthquakes, but believes the UK can play a more active role in finding a peaceful resolution to the ongoing conflict in Cyprus. Despite this issue, bilateral relations between Türkiye and the UK have developed, with intensified political contacts as NATO allies and strategic partners. The Free Trade Agreement between the two countries has been signed and is being expanded. The UK is also among the top 10 favourite tourism destinations for Turkish visitors. Yalçın considers it an honor to represent Türkiye as an ambassador, especially in the UK, and holds the UK and its people in a special place in his heart.

TRNC President Ersin Tatar: Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus devastated following catastrophic earthquake in Türkiye

President Ersin Tatar has stated that the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus  (TRNC) has been devastated due to the deaths of thousands of people  following a catastrophic earthquake – as the bodies of TRNC citizens  including young sportsmen – have began to be repatriated back to the  country. 

The President said the country has been left in deep sorrow as the bodies of  children of the school volleyball team and two teachers were repatriated to  the TRNC on Friday morning, after they were found under the rubble of the  collapsed building of the Isias Hotel in Adıyaman. 

The TRNC, which sees the Republic of Türkiye as its motherland with deep  historic ties, which also provides political and economic support to the  country, is currently holding a seven-day mourning in solidarity and support  to Türkiye – following the earthquake which has affected the south-eastern  region of the country. 

President Tatar stated: “The TRNC is feeling the deep pain and shock at the  deaths of thousands of people following the devastating earthquake in  Türkiye and are standing in full solidarity with our Motherland. The bodies of  10 TRNC citizens – including seven students, two teachers and one parent,  have been repatriated from Adıyaman, at around 3.30am, following intense  search and rescue efforts. 

“I wish to express my heartfelt condolences and sympathies to the families,  loved ones and the whole of our country at this time of great mourning and  sadness.”

A state ceremony was held at Ercan airport on Friday morning. Emotional  moments were lived as the coffins – draped in the flags of Türkiye and TRNC  – were carried from the aircraft by families. 

President Ersin Tatar, Speaker of the Parliament Zorlu Töre, Prime Minister  Ünal Üstel, Turkish Ambassador to Lefkoşa Metin Feyzioğlu, Republican  Turkish Party leader Tufan Erhürman, ministers, MP’s, military personnel and  other officials were also present. 

The names of the students, teachers and parents who lost their lives in the  earthquake and were repatriated are as follows: İbrahim Yakula (a vice principal), Pamir Konuklu (teacher), Fahri Arkar, Doruk Akın, Alp Akın, Özgür  İçme, Lavin Kalaycı, Elvin Çavdır, Kağan Selim İş (students), Duygu Balsoy  Kalaycı (parent).” 

A group of 39 people – including from the boys and girls teams were in the  building when it came down, and search and rescue efforts are continuing to  find them. 

As part of the recovery effort the TRNC has sent a search and rescue team,  consisting of 17 riot police and 10 firefighters, to Türkiye to participate in the  work in the regions affected by the earthquakes in Kahramanmaraş. In  addition, 200 rescue workers from the TRNC, 30 members of their Civil  Defence Organisation and 8 search and rescue vehicles will go to Türkiye. 

The UK has a unique role to play in resolving one of Europe’s last frozen conflicts

According to the European Research Group (ERG), the UK’s most significant achievement since leaving the EU has been its foreign policy leadership, particularly in supporting Ukraine against Russian aggression. The article argues that this demonstrates the UK’s potential to shape its global role and resolve conflicts such as the ongoing Cyprus issue. The President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) has called for a two State solution to the Cyprus issue, which has been unresolved for nearly 50 years. The article contends that a federal solution has failed and that only by granting equal sovereign and international status to both sides can a peaceful, long-term solution be achieved. The article concludes by suggesting that by seizing post-Brexit opportunities, Britain can establish direct trade and international flights with the TRNC, which is a crucial step towards resolving Europe’s longest frozen conflict.

Cyprus needs a two State solution in the best interests of all involved

Ersin Tatar, the President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, is urging for a two State solution to end the 60-year dispute over Cyprus. Tatar believes that the hydrocarbon reserves in the surrounding areas may not be exploited if a solution is not reached. His proposal suggests that both sides of the island should remain permanently divided with equal sovereign status. However, Tatar’s critics argue that this plan may turn the isolated TRNC into an economic colony of Ankara, which may threaten the North’s prized secular status. The TRNC already receives at least €270m a year from Ankara, and Tatar warns that if the international community does not engage with his plan and lift the embargo on the TRNC, it will have to integrate even more closely with Ankara. The value of the hydrocarbons in the east Mediterranean was time-limited, and if the status of the TRNC remains deadlocked, the hydrocarbons risked being left untapped as governments moved on to greener technology such as solar.

Unlocking the Cyprus issue would unlock the abundance of hydrocarbons off the island’s coast, Tatar proclaims

Ersin Tatar, President of the Turkish Republic of North Cyprus, has urged UK parliamentarians to seek a fair solution to the longstanding conflict between North and South Cyprus. Tatar stated that the gas reserves in Cypriot waters could be utilized by Europe if a resolution can be found, assisting with the energy supply crisis created by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Since 1963, the Cyprus crisis has resulted in the death of hundreds and the forced displacement of thousands. Following a Greek nationalist junta’s takeover in 1974, the island separated into two entities, with attempts to reach a federal solution having failed. President Tatar has stated that a federal solution is “dead” and that a two State solution must be agreed. He called for a committee to supervise oil exploration and demanded recognition of sovereign equality between the two states before negotiations can resume.

TRNC President urges UK PM to solve the Cyprus issue with two State solution

Ersin Tatar, leader of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, is advocating for a two State solution to end the Cyprus dispute. Tatar argues that the current stalemate is due to the Greek Cypriot Side’s refusal to negotiate and that a solution based on mutual respect and acknowledgement of the inherent rights of both the Turkish and Greek Cypriot people is necessary. The Turkish Cypriots have remained loyal to the United Kingdom, and their right to self-determination is rooted in history. The Greek Cypriot Side usurped the partnership of the Republic of Cyprus in 1963 and subjected the Turkish Cypriots to ethnic cleansing. Tatar says that the Turkish peace operation in 1974 led to the establishment of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, and despite the Turkish Cypriot Side’s efforts, the Greek Cypriot Side has rejected 15 settlement plans and ideas. President Tatar believes that reaffirming sovereign equality and equal international status for both sides is necessary to establish a cooperative relationship and deliver on promises made by the international community.