Category: Interview

WATCH: President Tatar champions a two state solution to lead to greater cooperation in Cyprus

TRNC President Ersin Tatar was interviewed by Martin Daubney on GB News.

The President spoke about the benefits of a two state solution in Cyprus and how it can lead to greater cooperation between the two sides.

WATCH: TRNC isolation compounds the lives of Turkish Cypriot and British citizens, says President Tatar

TRNC President Ersin Tatar was interviewed by Dominic O’Connell on Times Radio.

The President called on the UK to fulfil the promises they made in 2004 in ending the isolation of Northern Cyprus and to reinstate direct flights and direct trade.

LISTEN: President Tatar speaks to the BBC on the eve of the 50th anniversary of Türkiye’s Peace Operation

President Tatar speaks to the BBC World Service’s ‘Newsday’ programme about how the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus plans on commemorating Türkiye’s peace operation in 1974 that prevented a genocide of the Turkish Cypriot People. He explains why Türkiye was acting legally in its role as a Guarantor Power to protect both Greek and Turkish Cypriots, and why its role on the island remains critical, alongside the UK’s.

The TRNC can follow in Kosovo’s and the island of Ireland’s footsteps

The island of Cyprus need look no further afield than Europe when looking for a tried and tested, workable solution. For 25 years, the island of Ireland has seen steady peace thanks to the Good Friday Agreement. It is a blueprint for how two countries can co-exist on one island successfully. 

If the island of Ireland can do it – why not Cyprus? Moreover, if Kosovo can seek its independence from Serbia through the courts, surely it is just double-standards to invalidate the TRNC pursuing its own independence through such means?

Out of touch High Commissioner calls 1974 Turkish intervention a “land grab”

Speaking to the estimated 10,000 British nationals living in the TRNC, the British High Commissioner to ‘Cyprus’ Irfan Siddiq referred to the second phase of Türkiye’s intervention on the island as a “land grab”.

Suggesting that the 1960 Constitution no longer could be applied to Turkish Cypriots, Siddiq, showcased his staggering ignorance of history and reality by likening the TRNC to that of Russia’s annexations in Ukraine. 

President Tatar: “Something is cooking” as Macron eyes ‘revenge strategy’ to threaten British bases on Cyprus

Following a visit by French President Macron to Southern Cyprus in May, TRNC President Ersin Tatar raised his concerns about a potential French military base on the island stating it contradicts existing agreements.

The President put forward his case that this may be Macron seeking to exact revenge on the UK following its withdrawal from the European Union.

Tatar said that any agreement must consult Turkish and Greek Cypriots the UK, Türkiye, and Greece.

LISTEN: LBC’s Iain Dale and former Home Secretary Jacqui Smith discuss the TRNC and President Tatar

Renowned broadcaster, Iain Dale, and former Home Secretary under Gordon Brown, Jacqui Smith speak about President Tatar’s March interview on LBC, the Cyprus issue, and the continued importance of British involvement on the island. Describing it as ‘fascinating’, Dale spoke about the President’s CapX article, the history of the island, and makes comparisons to Israel-Palestine, and Northern Ireland. 

LISTEN: President Tatar features on Times Radio for exclusive interview with Baroness Ruth Davidson

Times Radio

President Tatar speaks to former Leader of the Scottish Conservatives, the Rt. Hon. Baroness Ruth Davidson on his vision for a two State solution on Cyprus, the purpose of his visit to the United Kingdom, and his desire to see Britain adopt a more prominent role in resolving the ‘Cyprus issue’ in a fair way – respecting the sovereign equality of both Sides.

LISTEN: President Tatar gives an exclusive interview to LBC’s Iain Dale

President Tatar speaks to LBC’s Iain Dale on his vision of a two State solution on the island of Cyprus, the role the TRNC can play on the world stage, and the history of the island and why the TRNC formed.

WATCH: President Tatar gives an exclusive interview to GB News on the devastating Turkish earthquake

President Tatar speaks to GB News’ Camilla Tominey on the devastating impact on his community, and that of Türkiye and Syria following the earthquake in central and southern Türkiye.