
A two-state solution is the only way forward.

The United Kingdom must step forward and fulfil its duty by ensuring lasting peace for Cypriots, according  to the leader and senior figures of the Democratic Unionist Party. 

A former leader of the party and the Rt. Hon. Sammy Wilson MP have both called on the UK government  to take a lead on resolving the 50-year-old ‘frozen conflict’ in Cyprus in recent commentaries. 

They believe that Cypriots on both sides of the UN-enforced Green Line deserve better than the current  efforts of the British government and international community. 

Both believe that there is a “moral duty” and “responsibility to help resolve the Cyprus issue” that, by  failing to create a lasting peace, the UK government is not upholding. 

They believe that peace can only be achieved with a two-state solution and recognition of the Turkish  Republic of Northern Cyprus as equal to the Republic of Cyprus.

Writing for the House Magazine, the former leader highlights that continuing to reject Northern Cypriot  independence is “an unfair and untenable situation” that leaves Turkish Cypriots “perpetually punished for  the inability of their counterparts to reach an agreement”. 

Mr Wilson, published on politics.co.uk, argues that “Continuing to insist on reunification is not helping  anyone and only adds to the problem. Cyprus has changed and cannot be considered one state  anymore.” 

Calling on the opportunities of Brexit and the strength of the UK’s historic relationship with Cyprus, both  are clear that the UK is uniquely placed to take the lead on ensuring a cooperative and long-term solution  for Cypriots. 

Sammy Wilson goes further and points to the UK’s support for Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina,  commenting that, “The UK has a long history of supporting new states declaring independence on ethnic  and religious lines… We support a two-state solution between Israel and Palestine. What makes the  situation in Cyprus different?” 

Commenting Chet Ramadan, co-founder of Freedom and Fairness for Northern Cyprus, said: 

“I am profoundly grateful for the intervention of the DUP and their recognition of reality in Cyprus. For 50  years, the international community has been far too willing to ignore Cyprus and let it continue in limbo  with a succession of failed negotiations – all rejected by Greek Cypriots. 

“The United Kingdom has a responsibility to find a true solution that benefits all Cypriots and continued  support for the status quo is failing that duty. A two-state solution is the only answer.” 
