Tag: Direct flights

Calls from Westminster for direct flights to the TRNC reach the loudest in years

Samantha Mayling, TravelWeekly

54 British parliamentarians support commencing direct flights to Northern Cyprus in the largest show of support for the proposal in years. The initiative, arranged and co-ordinated by the ‘Freedom and Fairness for Northern Cyprus’ campaign, succeeded in bringing politicians from both the Conservative and Labour parties together to call on the Foreign Secretary, Lord Cameron, to support the measure.

Parliamentarians urge Cameron to end discriminatory ban on flights to Northern Cyprus

A cross-party group of influential politicians have urged Lord Cameron to end the UK’s punitive and unfair ban on direct flights to Northern Cyprus.

Last week, the parliamentarians wrote to Lord Cameron, the Foreign Secretary, raising serious concerns over the treatment of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) and calling for “the commencement of direct flights from the United Kingdom to Ercan International Airport – the largest airport on the island of Cyprus”.

They want the Foreign Secretary to end “one of the most restrictive policies of any country in Europe when it comes to air travel to Ercan”.

The move by more than fifty parliamentarians and politicians, including former Foreign Secretary Jack Straw, highlights the hypocrisy of the UK’s current position. They point to the UK allowing flights to non-UN member states such as Kosovo, and to countries that it doesn’t recognise such as Taiwan. The question is “why not to Northern Cyprus?”

Air travel to the TRNC is not a risk and there is no history of poor safety. Indeed, Ercan Airport abides by international aviation security standards, and safely hosts hundreds of thousands of passengers each year.

They warn that if the UK continues to fail to engage with the TRNC, it will “risk letting countries such as Russia and Iran do so instead – fundamentally challenging the UK’s strategic foothold in the eastern Mediterranean.”

This call for action from the 300,000 strong Turkish Cypriot diaspora comes as a new general election has been announced. Turkish Cypriots, their friends and families, will
also be putting pressure on both the Government and other major parties to commit to ending this unjust situation.

Chet Ramadan, founder of Freedom and Fairness for Northern Cyprus, said: “It is time that the UK ends their regressive ban on flights to the TRNC. This is something that was promised 20 years ago and has yet to be fulfilled.

“300,000 Turkish Cypriots live in the UK, and 15,000 British expats live in Northern Cyprus. The onerous and unnecessary flight rules only create a cruel burden for those wishing to visit family members or go on holiday.

“UK parties must commit to allowing direct flights to restart and we will repeat this call to whoever forms the next government.”

Unprecedented step as over 50 British parliamentarians call for direct flights to the TRNC from the UK

More than 50 British parliamentarians have joined with the ‘Freedom and Fairness for Northern Cyprus’ campaign to launch a groundbreaking effort calling on the UK Government to allow direct flights to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) from Britain.

In an open letter to the Foreign Secretary, Lord Cameron, they call for Britain “to ensure that all Cypriots, regardless of their ethnicity, have equality in the fulfillment of their potential and the right to live their lives free from arbitrary discrimination.”

They say that “the UK Government has not fulfilled its commitments to the Turkish Cypriot People and has been unwilling to discuss any tempering of measures [to make travel to the TRNC easier].”

The letter, signed by a former Foreign Secretary, a former First Minister of Northern Ireland, a former Conservative Party Leader, alongside a broad coalition of Labour, Green, Liberal Democrat, DUP, UUP, and Conservative politicians, rallies for direct flights “in the interests of fairness and national security… to send a clear message that [the UK Government] upholds the commitments it has made to the Turkish Cypriot People.”

A lack of direct trade with and flights to Northern Cyprus is ‘onerous and arbitrary’ says senior Conservative MP

The UK formerly had a sensible approach to bilateral ties with the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Not any more.

Forcing passengers to disembark one aircraft and board another in Türkiye is a cruel and arbitrary measure, especially given the historic ties between the country and the UK.

To continue in this approach would be hypocritical of the British government – especially given it did not reject Kosovo or Bosnia when they declared their independence.

Direct trade and flights is in  Britain’s national interest. To not seize this opportunity gives Iran, China, Russia an open goal.

Direct flights from the UK to Northern Cyprus? There may be a way…

Affordable holidays to Europe’s last unspoiled corner may be getting easier to go on. In an interview with Chet Ramadan, Chair of the Freedom and Fairness for Northern Cyprus campaign, he argued for the practicality of a solution that allows for direct flights.

With countless benefits for the 300,000 Turkish Cypriots living in the UK, the 10,000 British nationals living in the TRNC, and for anybody who wishes to touch down in the island of Cyprus’ largest airport to begin a holiday without breaking the bank, direct flights are the answer. 

Interested to learn how they could start? Click on the link above to read the article.